Avocado Benefits For Hair, Beauty, Pregnancy and For Health

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Avocado Benefits For Hair, Beauty, Pregnancy and For Health

Avocado for health benefits - Avocados can be regarded as the fruit is remarkable, because in addition to the delicious taste, it also has many benefits for health purposes. There are some opinions that say if eating avocado is bad because it contains a lot of fat, but actually the fact is not the case. Even with eating avocados can actually help us to feel full longer, so it's good to help control overweight.

Some people tend to avoid eating avocado because they contain fat. However, the researchers say that avocados contain healthy fats that are needed by our bodies.
Avocados are rich in healthy fats, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K1, vitamin B6 and carbohydrates, which merit good for health. Avocado, has a high calorie and fat content are included in the category of disinformation, such as coconut oil.

Before we discuss in more detail about the benefits of avocado, it helps us get to know the various nutrients found in avocados.

healthy fats
Make no mistake, fat in avocados are good fats, portion reaches about three-quarters of the total calories of avocado. This means that fat contains a high enough in this avocado fruit. The content of the fat is monounsaturated fat, in the form of oleic acid. Monounsaturated fats are considered as good fats can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Each avocado consists of approximately 4 grams of protein, the content is much more compared to other fruits.

The sugar in fruit value is quite small, ten pieces of avocado consisting of 0.2 g of sugar, so it is not too dangerous for you who are concerned about blood sugar.

Vitamins and Minerals
As with other fruits, avocados course also contain vitamins and minerals that are very high. He mmiliki kandugnan potassium (more than bananas Kandungannnya). Additionally, avocados are rich in vitamin K, vitamin B9, vitamin B6, vitamin B5 vitamin C, and vitamin E.2

Medium sized fruit contains 11 grams of fiber, nearly half of the daily fiber required by the body.

Next, let's discuss one by one the benefits of avocados to the health of the human body.

Benefits of avocado

- Maintain cardiovascular health

Research has shown that consumption of omega-6 is an important factor in cardiovascular disease. They suggest lowering the intake of polyunsaturated fats and increase the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in the foods we consume.

Avocado is a source of monounsaturated oleic acid which has been proven in numerous studies to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood.

- Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that is very dangerous, especially for the development of healthy food that has been increasingly difficult to get. If you feel frequent hunger, thirst, frequent urination, drastic weight loss, you should check it out to see a doctor.

Then what is the role of avocado to this problem? avocados can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol in the blood). Keeping your cholesterol intake will help reduce the risk of diabetes.

- Lose weight

There are still many Indonesian people are very surprised that foods high in fat and calories is considered good for weight loss. However, studies have shown that monounsaturated fatty acids are best used as a combustion energy and not stored as fat in the body.

Slow-burning energy, and certainly is a feeling of satiety that many days you will feel very suitable for reducing hunger and appetite for those of you who are on a diet.

- Arthritis

The disease is more frequent attacks you already started to age, Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the joints and severe pain. Avocados have anti-inflammatory agent, which is one of the few foods that can reduce pain in arthritis.

Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C and carotenoids substances that can help to reduce the inflammation that leads to arthritis.

- Prevent Cancer

Avocados are rich in phytochemicals that have done the research may help prevent the development of certain cancers. Scientists studying the characteristics of chemopreventive avocado concluded that phytochemicals from the avocado fruit is excellent dietary strategy in cancer prevention. "

- High blood pressure

Avocado is one of the fruits that become large enough source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure in the body.

- Removal of free radicals

The benefits of antioxidants in our body is to get rid of free radicals that may cause specific diseases and cancer. This fruit is one source of antioxidants which is very good for the body in removing toxins through sweat or urine will.

- Helping eye health

Avocado is a source of the carotenoid lutein, which is known to help protect the health of the eyes caused by aging such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

- Prevent birth defects

Avocados are rich in folate, vitamin B is one of the dikenalsebagai vitamin folic acid. One avocado could meet about 23% of the recommended daily value. The high amount of folate in avocados is very important in the prevention of birth defects, such as neural tube defects and spina bifida.

- Reduce the risk of stroke

Folic acid content in avocados can protect and prevent stroke. Research has shown that people who frequently consume folate intake had a lower risk of stroke.

- Anti-Inflammatory

Avocado ability to help prevent unwanted inflammation absolutely no doubt in the medical world, because it has been supported in various studies. The term "anti-inflammatory" is a term that really applies to this delicious fruit. Avocado anti-inflammatory nutrients that fall into five basic categories:
      - Phytosterols, including beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol
      - Antioxidant carotenoids, including lutein, neoxanthin, neochrome, chrysanthemaxanthin, beta-            cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene
      - Other antioxidants (non-carotenoid), including flavonoids epicatechin and epigallocatechin-                gallate 3-0, vitamins C and E, and the mineral manganese, selenium, and zinc
      - Omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (about 160 milligrams per cup of sliced ​​          avocado)
      - Polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PSA)

It is suitable to be used for anti-inflammatory.

Avocado Benefits For Hair

Avocado for hair has long been used in various countries, the vanguard is the ancient Egyptian population. The use of avocado to the hair can be used as a cream bath. Creambath benefits alone can help to blacken the hair, making hair healthy glow.

How to use is:

Take 1 ripe avocado
Puree / juice without campuaran anything.
Rinse the hair instantly
Allow 15 minutes
then rinse thoroughly.

Feel the effects within a few weeks after.

Other Avocado Benefits for Body

Benefits of avocado is important for us to know to increase knowledge and change the paradigm we were wrong about the benefits of avocado this. Mix the benefits of honey and the benefits of this fruit will increase endurance and be our initial target in maintaining a healthy and get the body alive and healthy every day.

The most important thing is that we can use avocado to the health of the body, the health benefits are believed to have instead, which makes the avocado is the source we start a healthy life.

Avocado To Diet

There are still plenty of avocados to the diet that we can use to avoid misperception, most people said that avocados can add weight drastically? if it is true? not necessarily. Avocados are very fast filling that means making your body more satisfied until the main meal consumption less. Then how to diet tips.

Consumption of avocados before eating
Perform routine, morning, noon, evening, before meals
Do not mix with excessive sugar
Do jampurkan with milk.
Eating directly without the juice would be helpful

Sick cavities

Take one seed avocado, then pounded until smooth. Use a small amount of avocado seed powder and insert into the cavities. Or you can also use cotton and fitted into cavities.

Avocado Benefits For Hair

Avocado for hair has long been used in various countries, the vanguard is the ancient Egyptian population. The use of avocado to the hair can be used as a cream bath. Creambath benefits alone can help to blacken the hair, making hair healthy glow.

How to use is:

Take 1 ripe avocado
Puree / juice without mix anything.
Rinse the hair instantly
Allow 15 minutes
then rinse thoroughly.

Feel the effects within a few weeks after.

Other Avocado Benefits for Body

Benefits of avocado is important for us to know to increase knowledge and change the paradigm we were wrong about the benefits of avocado this. Mix the benefits of honey and the benefits of this fruit will increase endurance and be our initial target in maintaining a healthy and get the body alive and healthy every day.

The most important thing is that we can use avocado to the health of the body, the health benefits are believed to have instead, which makes the avocado is the source we start a healthy life.

Avocado To Diet

There are still plenty of avocados to the diet that we can use to avoid misperception, most people said that avocados can add weight drastically? if it is true? not necessarily. Avocados are very fast filling that means making your body more satisfied until the main meal consumption less. Then how to diet tips.

Consumption of avocados before eating
Perform routine, morning, noon, evening, before meals
Do not mix with excessive sugar
Do mix with milk.
Eating directly without the juice would be helpful

Sick cavities

Take one seed avocado, then pounded until smooth. Use a small amount of avocado seed powder and insert into the cavities. Or you can also use cotton and fitted into cavities.

Here are some benefits of avocado for pregnant women:

- Avocados make a pregnant woman early satiety

Avocado much as 3.4 grams with existing fiber will make pregnant women feel full longer. Oleic acid contained in the avocado will activate part of the brain that make pregnant women feel full. Benefits of avocado for pregnant women are healthy unsaturated fats and is proven to generate greater satiety than saturated fats and trans weak who are in preparations.

- Brain food for pregnant women

One of the bleary-eyed brain food avocado. According to Dr Daniel G, find the avocado as one of the best brain food and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E that is inside avocado proven to stop Alzheimer's disease. (See also: how to make intelligent child in the womb)

- Protect the eyes of pregnant women

For eye protection for pregnant women due to consuming avocado will increase lituein. This Lituein can avoid macular degeneration and cataracts.

- Reduce the risk of stroke for pregnant women

Benefits of avocado for pregnant women can reduce stroke due to high levels of folic acid. Pregnant women who consume avocados will have less risk of stroke than those who consume little or no other food containing folate.

- Prevents deformities in babies will be born

Folic acid is important for the baby in the development of organs. Folic acid deficiency causes bone deformities in babies before birth. Deformity is an arrangement of permanent teeth were irregular due to jaw disorders which currently is experiencing growth, the ceilings are shaped in a curved, milk teeth in the future has been delayed to date.

- Preventing neural defects in the fetus

In addition to preventing deformity, the benefits of folic acid in avocados also prevent neural defects in the fetus. Pregnant women can eat as much as half a cup of avocado, in each of the cut contains 59 mcg of folic acid. (See also: foods to prevent birth defects)

- Preventing complications

During pregnancy there is a condition of a mother suffering from fatigue, the folic acid is known to prevent complications, anemia, insomnia, mood changes suddenly and preeclampsia. Preklamsia is high blood pressure in pregnant women, causing high mortality in infants, because lead poisoning in infants. Such cases can occur 5-8% of pregnancies.

- Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Avocado consumption can reduce blood cholesterol and also can lower blood sugar levels. In a study of diet food, avocados provide significant results in lowering total cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol increased by as much as 11%.

From other research that can lower bad cholesterol levels by 17%. High cholesterol can lead to heart disease, so the avocado can be prevented. For sugar levels and insulin response alone would be suppressed because the satiety that has been inflicted on the avocado.

- Protect your baby before birth

Eating one cup of avocado or meet a quarter of the daily intake of folate reduces the risk of babies born with disabilities.

- Avocados are better protected from pesticides

We often see the fruit treated with chemical pesticides to grow well. But for the avocado itself has a thick skin. For the fruit itself will be protected from pesticide on plantations.

- Calcium Intake

During pregnancy the body needs rising exponentially. So just when considered dietary calcium. Here, the role of avocado to oblige. The benefits of calcium for pregnant women as a builder substance and bone formation in infants.

- Containing Vitamin C

Vitamin C in pregnant women is to accelerate the absorption of iron (Fe) in the body. This is due to pregnant women often suffer from anemia. How to maintain the pregnancy in order to stay healthy by eating vitamin C chemically feared could experience excess. This is actually not good because it can cause miscarriage, because vitamin C led to a greater emphasis on progesterone.

- Full of vitamin E

In this case vitamin E can produce the hormone prolactin. When a pregnant woman is eating hormone deficiency will cause an influence on the emotional state and in addition very important role in metabolism, Vitamin E will provide a comfortable environment for the baby. In addition to pregnant women themselves can anti aging.

- Containing Vitamin K

Similar to the function of vitamin E. Not only that vitamin E also works in the formation of red blood cells. In addition to blood clotting, vitamin K also plays a role in bone formation for the fetus, as the nutrition of pregnant women are to be met.

- Rich in B1 and B2 also B6

How to cope with nausea during early pregnancy with the intake of vitamins B1 and B2 can also be fulfilled by the benefits of avocados for pregnant women. Especially vitamin B6 which can reduce morning sickness that is often experienced by pregnant women. B1, known as thiamine, is known to reduce nausea and vomiting in the morning.

Especially at the end of pregnancy to prepare for the birth and post-lactation. B2, known as riboflavin. It is an important element to help the decomposition of nutrients to the fetus. Vitamin B6 is often known as Pridoksin, which is important as the durability of the pregnant mother.

- Avocado prevent anemia

A pregnant woman is often a lack of iron (Fe), causing anemia. Avocado itself is rich in benefits of iron for expectant mothers that consuming avocado slices some sufficient in meeting these needs.

- Improves digestive function

During pregnancy, especially at the end of pregnancy a pregnant women suffer from constipation. Benefits of avocado for pregnant women, has a lot of fiber because fiber the body needs to digest food properly. In addition, the avocado itself can increase bowel movements better.

- Reduce the gastrointestinal inflammation in pregnant women.

Avocados contain carotenoids, including beta carotene and lycopene which is an essential nutrient. This can reduce the inflammation of the stomach and inflammation of the mucosal lining of the small intestine. All of this is because the enzymes in the benefits of avocados and nutrients contained therein.

- Increases the absorption of nutrients

In addition to providing many nutrients, the benefits of avocado for pregnant women will help in the absorption of nutrients. The study also showed that eating an avocado can increase the absorption of carotenoids in the body. Carotenoids itself derived from vitamin A present in the avocado.

Its function is to prevent fetal getting a disease or disorders of the eye. Pregnant women can enjoy a cup of avocado contains 22 mg of choline in assisting in the development of the brain and nerves.

- Drug cramps in pregnant women

Leg cramps in pregnant women is the most common problems. Eating fruit for pregnant women such as avocado, then a pregnant woman will get potassium, which helps reduce cramps.

Here are the benefits of avocado for beauty

To soften the skin

You can use avocado to spa at home. Apply the avocado meat that has been softened throughout your body. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with warm water bath, then avocado oil will penetrate and soften your skin. You can also apply meat mashed avocado on your face to help eliminate the signs of aging, or also by adding honey and yogurt to remove dead skin cells so skin looks dangerous and youthful. If you're long gone outside the home, Avocado applied to relieve the pain of sunburn by the sun.

As a facial cleanser

This recipe for cleaning the skin pores and frees the skin of dirt and excess oil. To make a facial cleanser with avocado, you can add one egg yolk, half a cup of milk, and half an avocado.

First beat eggs until frothy, then add the avocado flesh is smooth and milk. mix Stir until smooth like lotion. Use this mixture to wash your face regularly. This will eliminate harmful toxins from your skin and make it look younger and radiant.

To Scrub hands:

This requires a mix of lemon to add flavor, oat to accelerate the absorption and avocado oils to exfoliate the skin so soft and smooth.

Take some mashed avocado into a bowl, then add egg whites, wheat, and a little lemon juice. Stir this mixture well and use it to massage your hands. Wait about 20-25 minutes and then wash your hands with warm water.

For oily skin masks:

To make the avocado mask, you need lemon, egg white and half the avocado flesh. Lemon is useful as a natural astringent and control of oil production by the skin, while the egg to whiten and nourish skin with high protein content. Meanwhile avocado oil to balance the mix.

How to make this mask pack, avocado, egg, lemon juice and egg white into the blender up into a fine paste. Use this mask on your skin for twenty minutes before rinsing with warm water.

For moisturizing mask:

Materials required, avocado as a moisturizer, honey as a natural antiseptic, and yogurt to clean and soften the skin and tighten skin pores.

Take two take the meat and avocado puree. Then add the yogurt and honey and mix well. Apply the mixture as a face mask and leave on for fifteen minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Here are recipes and tips to make avocado hair mask:

- Mash half an avocado fine, if you have long hair you may need a whole avocado fruit.

If you use one whole avocado fruit, multiply the two for all the material in this recipe. Make sure the avocado until smooth and no major piece left.

- Add 1/2 cup of olive oil and 1/4 cup almond oil. Remember, for long hair you have to double the amount.

Olive and almond oils contain fatty acids that can make your hair shine. In addition, the oil will also strengthen the hair and moisturizes dry scalp. Stir all ingredients until evenly distributed.

- Dampen your hair before using a hair mask. Rub the wet hair with avocado mask that you have created, use evenly from scalp to hair ends.

- Let the avocado hair mask is in your hair for about 20 minutes.

If you experience dry scalp and flaky, you can massage your scalp with the avocado mask for 5-7 minutes before you rinse.

- After 20 minutes, wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner. Rinse thoroughly. Enjoy your hair soft and shiny.

So many health benefits of avocado for avocado consumption so in comparison with the main meal will certainly have an impact on the optimal diet. In addition, the avocado is more easily digested in the body. Read also the article tips to stay young with fruits

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